Chantal Dawtrey

Chantal Dawtrey

Coach, facilitator, storyteller, and story holder. Mindfulness and body fullness proponent. Mental health advocate and wellbeing champion.

Chantal supports learning journeys, advocates for greater awareness about mental health issues and emotional wellbeing and co-creates and facilitates personal, group and team change.

As an accomplished facilitator and thought leader she engages with a global audience teaching a mindfulness and bodyfulness based approach for the immediate relief from stress, anxiety, burnout and other mental health challenges.

She is a writer and a speaker. She writes what's on her mind and close to her heart. Her poetry offers a window to her spirit.

Her focus and passion for mental and emotional wellbeing gives structure to a growing body of work that brings meaning and purpose to her life and others’.

Chantal is the co-founder of 5th Place and co-creator of Shape of Emotion. 5th Place Consciousness (Pty) Ltd