Natalee Holmes

Natalee Holmes

Director & Founder - Conscious Connections Game Changer-Implementer GC Partner

Conscious Connections encompasses Conscious Parenting, Conscious Coaching, and Conscious Young People. Conscious Connections is a GC Partner and uses The GC Index® and Young People Index® as an assessment to help with coaching of individuals, teams and organisations, in personal, familial and executive coaching arenas. Conscious Parenting advocates and promotes awareness of the need for positive parenting in the community, and to provides parenting and coaching services to parents and organisations. We bring positive parenting programs to the community through our Parent Education Department. Serving Gauteng, KZN and CT, and now the world, Natalee provides one-on-one coaching to families who are eager to upgrade their parenting skills and bring peace and fun to their homes. She also works with teachers, counselors, and parents, presenting keynote addresses, workshops, and courses on empowering families.

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